Monday, March 8, 2010

Hamilton Beach Hb-p90d23al-djj

My ravioli salmon & spinach!

This recipe is carried out using a pasta machine. Without it, just buy the ravioli dough in supermarkets.
Serves 4:
ravioli dough: 300g flour + 3 + 1tbs eggs olive oil
4 servings chopped spinach cream (frozen for me!)
4 salmon steaks salt & pepper
I'm preparing ravioli dough by mixing all ingredients in the robot.
I film the dough and leave in refrigerator 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, I prepare the filling: I heat the spinach in a saucepan with a little water. I cut the salmon into small cubes that I cook spinach in the pan. I salted and peppered ...
I spend my dough in the pasta machine to achieve the grandeset thin strips.
On one strip of dough, I put tablespoons of prepared salmon / spinach at regular intervals. On it, I redeposited a second layer of dough. I support well after each ravioli and cut them using the ridged wheel.
For cooking, just 5 minutes in boiling water and salt (depending on thickness of dough).


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